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2019 Professional Development Institute

  • Friday, March 08, 2019
  • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (PST)
  • McMenamins Kennedy School


  • Are you new to OCDA? Save by becoming a member of OCDA while registering for the PDI.
  • Save by renewing your membership while registering for the PDI. (Must login to access this rate)
  • This registration is for lifetime members or current members who DO NOT want/need to renew their membership. (Must login to access this rate)
  • This registration is for those who are NOT members of OCDA and ONLY includes attendance to the PDI.
  • This registration is for either students currently enrolled in in a program or course work related to career development or persons retired from an active career in career development/counseling.

All OCDA memberships are recurring subscriptions that last for 1 year(s) from the March 15th. For example, a subscription purchased in November 2018 will expire on Mar 14th, 2019 at 23:59.

It is best to become a member or renew your membership while registering for the PDI. This ensures your membership will not lapse and will maximize your benefits.
Registration is closed

OCDA invites you to attend the 16th annual
Professional Development Institute (PDI)

Career Work is Justice Work, on March 8th, 2019

Please be sure to watch the following video from Dr. Hutchison:

This is the event of choice for regional career development professionals to enhance their skills, network with colleagues, recognize outstanding career development professionals, share best practices, and gain continuing education credits.

At this year's PDI, Dr. Brian Hutchison, NCDA board member, will give us a more in-depth view of his work addressing social class and international/social justice issues with a particular focus on issues of career development and counseling. Dr. Hutchison presented on this topic during a breakout session at the NCDA Career Practitioner Institute held in Portland on October 26, 2018. His presentation at our PDI this year will dive deeper, focusing on social justice theory and multiple ways we can apply this knowledge with not only ourselves, but our clients as well.

Early Bird deadline: 2/15/2019

Regular Rate deadline: 3/4/2019

Due to incurred costs refunds cannot be issued after 2/28



Schedule of Events

8:00 am Registration & Check-in, Continental Breakfast

9:00 am Welcome and Introductions

9:15 am Dr. Brian Hutchison: Morning Session

10:30 am Break 

10:45 aDr. Brian Hutchison: Morning Session cont. 

12:00 pm Luncheon & Networking

1:15 pm Dr. Brian Hutchison: Afternoon Session

3:30 pm Awards Ceremony/Networking Dessert

4:00 pm Adjourn


Brian Hutchison, is an Associate Professor at New Jersey City University, and was formerly at the University of Missouri – Saint Louis. Dr. Hutchison is the President of the Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA), Treasurer of the National Career Development Association (NCDA), Past President of the Missouri Career Development Association (MoCDA), Editor of the Asia Pacific Career Development Association journal, and Associate Editor of the Journal of Humanistic Counseling. His scholarship can be broadly described as focused within two primary counseling domains, school counseling and career coaching/counseling. These broad themes are infused into three primary scholarship areas: international issues in career/ school counseling, career theory and practice integration, and counselor training/ education broadly defined.

Brian is the founder of the St. Louis Cultural Competence Institute and an active advocate for intergroup contact and empathy after Michael Brown Jr.’s death in Ferguson, MO in August 2014. For this work, Dr. Hutchison received the 2014-15 Social Justice Advocacy Award from the Association of Humanistic Counseling and has been featured in several regional and national media outlets including the Counseling Today article “Storytelling and hope in Ferguson” (November 17, 2014).

The Kennedy School has held a block of 10 rooms for OCDA. The block is on a call in basis.  Each guest will call the front desk to make an individual reservation with their own credit card and information.  Just ask for rooms in the OCDA block.

Kennedy School front desk:  503.249.3983

*Rooms are on a variable rate and do increase the closer to the night’s stay.  Kennedy School advises guests to make reservations asap as then the rate is locked.*

All rooms not reserved are released back to the hotel one month prior, 2/7.

The Oregon Career Development Association is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable and educational entity.

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